프로그래밍/개발자용 영어 공부

What are premium domains?

takudaddy 2020. 5. 26. 04:58






Have you ever done a domain name search and seen one that costs way more than most why so much because certain types of domain names are more likely to drive traffic to a website, they are called premium domains, short memorable, easy to spell names that end in a popular extension such as dot com tend to be more valuable because many website owners want one and there aren't that many to be had. Imagine you're starting a new pet shop in Seattle, you'de want a relevanteasy to type domain name for your website that customers can find and remenber like Seattle pet shops dot com. If you searched for that domain name today on GoDaddy dot com, you may find the asking price as $3,000 because its current owner anticipates high demand. If you want a domain name that may make it easier for customers to find your site and keep coming back, you may want to consider a premium domain. It could be a great to keep your marketing spent to a minumum.





relavant : 관련있는

anticipate : 예상하다

demand : 수요, 요구









