WEB 진단/WEB 진단

웹 모의해킹 실습 서버 [DVWA] 소개 및 설치 방법

takudaddy 2021. 2. 10. 12:16







1. DVWA 소개

2. DVWA 설치 및 환경 구성 - 리눅스(CentOS 7.x)









DVWA(Damn Vulnerable Web Application)란

취약점 진단 및 모의해킹 공부/실습을 할 수 있도록 만들어진 취약한 웹 어플리케이션이다.



Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and to aid both students & teachers to learn about web application security in a controlled class room environment.


The aim of DVWA is to practice some of the most common web vulnerabilities, with various levels of difficulty, with a simple straightforward interface. Please note, there are both documented and undocumented vulnerabilities with this software. This is intentional. You are encouraged to try and discover as many issues as possible.



* 설치 관련 문서




* DVWA Download

git clone https://github.com/ethicalhack3r/DVWA






[DVWA 설치 및 환경구성]




① DVWA 파일 다운로드

# cd /var/www/html

# yum -y install wget

# wget https://github.com/ethicalhack3r/DVWA/archive/master.zip



② 다운로드 파일 압축 해제

# unzip master.zip



③ 심볼릭 링크 걸기

# ln -s DVWA-master dvwa

# ls -l

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Feb 10:57 dvwa -> DVWA-master

drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4.0K Feb 10 2021 DVWA-master

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.4M Feb 10 10:54 master.zip




④ 의존성 관계 패키지 다운로드 및 설치


httpd : Apache HTTP Server

mysql-server : The MySQL server and related files

php : PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites

php-mysql : A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases

php-gd : A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library


yum –y install httpd php php-mysql php-gd mariadb mariadb-server


(CentOS 6.X 이하의 경우는

# yum -y install httpd mysql-server php php-mysql php-gd )




⑤ ./config/cnofig.inc.php 파일 설정

MySQL 서버에 접속할 때 사용하는 정보 설정


# mv /var/www/html/dvwa/config/config.inc.php.dist /var/www/html/dvwa/config/config.inc.php

# vi /var/www/html/dvwa/config/config.inc.php

..... (중략) .....

# Database variables

# WARNING: The database specified under db_database WILL BE ENTIRELY DELETED during setup.

# Please use a database dedicated to DVWA.

$_DVWA = array();

$_DVWA[ 'db_server' ] = '';

$_DVWA[ 'db_database' ] = 'dvwa';

$_DVWA[ 'db_user' ] = 'root';

$_DVWA[ 'db_password' ] = 'takudaddy';

..... (중략) .....

암호 부분을 자유롭게 변경한다.




⑥ MySQL 기동

# systemctl restart mariadb

Stopping mysqld: [ OK ]

Initializing MySQL database: WARNING: The host 'waf.example.com' could not be looked up with resolveip.

This probably means that your libc libraries are not 100 % compatible

with this binary MySQL version. The MySQL daemon, mysqld, should work

normally with the exception that host name resolving will not work.

This means that you should use IP addresses instead of hostnames

when specifying MySQL privileges !

Installing MySQL system tables...


Filling help tables...



To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy

support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system



To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:


/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'

/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h waf.example.com password 'new-password'


Alternatively you can run:



which will also give you the option of removing the test

databases and anonymous user created by default. This is

strongly recommended for production servers.


See the manual for more instructions.


You can start the MySQL daemon with:

cd /usr ; /usr/bin/mysqld_safe &


You can test the MySQL daemon with mysql-test-run.pl

cd /usr/mysql-test ; perl mysql-test-run.pl


Please report any problems with the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!


[ OK ]

Starting mysqld: [ OK ]




⑦ MySQL 기본 보안 설정

# mysql_secure_installation

Enter current password for root (enter for none): <ENTER>

Set root password? [Y/n] Y

New password: takudaddy

Re-enter new password: takudaddy

Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] Y

Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] n

Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] Y

Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] Y

 mariadb 재기동

# systemctl enable --now mariadb




⑧ dvwa DB 생성

# mysql -u root -p

mysql> show databases;

mysql> create database dvwa;

mysql> grant all on dvwa.* to dvwa@localhost identified by 'takudaddy';

mysql> flush privileges;

mysql> quit


mysql> grant all on dvwa.* to dvwa@localhost identified by 'takudaddy';

이 부분을 아래 두 줄로 할 수도 있다.


mysql> create user dvwa@localhost identified by ‘soldesk1.’;

mysql> grant all on dvwa.* to dvwa@localhost;




⑨ 파일/디렉토리 퍼미션 문제 해결

Folder permissions

./hackable/uploads/ - Needs to be writable by the web service (for File Upload).

./external/phpids/0.6/lib/IDS/tmp/phpids_log.txt - Needs to be writable by the web service

(if you wish to use PHPIDS).

# chown apache /var/www/html/dvwa/hackable/uploads

# chown apache /var/www/html/dvwa/external/phpids/0.6/lib/IDS/tmp/phpids_log.txt




⑩ php.ini 파일 설정

PHP configuration:

allow_url_include = on : Allows for Remote File Inclusions (RFI)

allow_url_fopen = on : Allows for Remote File Inclusions (RFI)

safe_mode = off : (If PHP <= v5.4) Allows for SQL Injection (SQLi)

magic_quotes_gpc = off : (If PHP <= v5.4) Allows for SQL Injection (SQLi)

display_errors = off : (Optional) Hides PHP warning messages to make it less verbose



# find / -name php.ini -type f



# vi /var/www/html/dvwa/php.ini

; This file attempts to overwrite the original php.ini file. Doesnt always work.


magic_quotes_gpc = Off

allow_url_fopen on

allow_url_include on


magic_quotes_gpc = Off

allow_url_fopen = On # (On 첫 글자는 대문자가 정석이다!)

allow_url_include = On

safe_mode = Off

magic_qutes_gpc = Off

display_errors = Off



# cat /etc/php.ini | grep allow_url_include

allow_url_include = On





⑪ reCaptcha 설정

사이트에서 제공되는 내용


File: config/config.inc.php:

- $_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_public_key' ]

- $_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ]

These values need to be generated from: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create



구글(www.google.com)에 ID/PASS 접속한다.


아래 사이트에서 site key(public key)/secret key(private key) 생성한다.

- https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create


https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin 사이트을 방문하여 reCaptcha 값을 만든다.

- cnfig.inc.php 파일에 만든 내용을 복사하여 설정한다.

- site key(public key)/secret key(private key)



# vi /var/www/html/dvwa/config/config.inc.php

# ReCAPTCHA settings

# Used for the 'Insecure CAPTCHA' module

# You'll need to generate your own keys at: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create

$_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_public_key' ] = '6LfdjWcUAAAAAHzTRK7U5fgbUQJPRUjv-S6RkN5u';

$_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ] = '6LfdjWcUAAAAAKPaCs_EkiGcOUPXA40tU4bf-Sam';

# systemctl enable httpd

# systemctl restart httpd




⑫ DVWA 셋업 페이지에서 내용을 확인

# firefox &



*내용 중 빨간색이 많이 뜬다.

Disabled 부분은 거의 다 수정해야 함


이건 수정 후 화면이라 초기 수정 전 화면과 다름



*수정 할 부분


# vi /etc/php.ini

allow_url_include = On


# cd /var/www/html/dvwa

# chown apache config

# systemctl restart httpd



"Create / Reset Database" 클릭한다.

F5번으로 페이지 새로고침을 하면

로그인 화면으로 자동 이동한다. 





⑬ 로그인


- ID/PASS: admin/password 로그인





⑭ Security Level의 기본값을 low로 바꾸기(취약한 서버 구성)

좌측 메뉴 하단 [DVWA Security] 선택 -> Leverl [Low] -> [Submit] 선택





# vi /var/www/html/dvwa/config/config.inc.php

# Default security level

# Default value for the secuirty level with each session.

# The default is 'impossible'. You may wish to set this to either 'low', 'medium', 'high' or impossible'.

$_DVWA[ 'default_security_level' ] = 'low';



Security Level이 'low' 설정 되었다면 웹페이지를 새로 띄워서 확인한다.

# firefox &





 환경 구축 및 설정 완료

