대표적인 Online Coding Test Site










Q 1 - What is the following function returns the lowest index in list that obj appears?


A - list.index(obj)

B - list.insert(index, obj)

C - list.pop(obj=list[-1])

D - list.remove(obj)





Q 2 - What is the output of [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5, 6]?


A - [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

B - [1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]

C - [5, 7,9]

D - 21





Q 3 - Which of the following function checks in a string that all characters are whitespaces?


A - islower()

B - isnumeric()

C - isspace()

D - istitle()





Q 4 - What is the output of L[-2] if L = [1,2,3]?


A - 1

B - 2

C - 3

D - None of the above.





Q 5 - Which of the following statement causes the loop to skip the remainder of its body and immediately retest its condition prior to reiterating?


A - break

B - continue

C - pass

D - None of the above.





Q 6 - Which of the following environment variable for Python contains the path of an initialization file containing Python source code?










Q 7 - What is the output of print list[1:3] if list = [ 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 ]?


A - [ 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 ]

B - abcd

C - [786, 2.23]

D - None of the above.





Q 8 - What is the output of print(list) if list = [ 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 ]?


A - [ 'abcd', 786 , 2.23, 'john', 70.2 ]

B - list

C - Error

D - None of the above.





Q 9 - Which of the following function convert an integer to octal string in python?


A - unichr(x)

B - ord(x)

C - hex(x)

D - oct(x)





Q 10 - What is the output of print(tinylist * 2) if tinylist = [123, 'john']?


A - [123, 'john', 123, 'john']

B - [123, 'john'] * 2

C - Error

D - None of the above.



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testdome 코딩 테스트 문제 풀기  (0) 2020.12.23

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