Have you ever noticed that some web addresses begin with HTTP and others start with HTTPS? so what's the different and does it matter? well HTTP means that the website is protected with an SSL certificate and yes, it does matter. SSL is technology that encrypts informationflowingbetween your website and the servers, so that it cannot be intercepted by hackers and other crooks. Having SSL on your site is a great way to earn trust. It tells visitors you are thelegitimateandverifiedowner of the site andas they can trust that their data is safe. And by the way Google and other search engines reward SSL protected sites with higher rankings till now, websites without SSLhave been able to fly under the radar but that is about to change. SSL just became even more important. Google Chrome, the world's most popular browser will call out sites without HTTPS with a non secure message prominentlydisplayed on the address bar like this, that's right! If you don't have an SSL certificate, Chrome will flag your site in a very cannot miss and unwanted way even if you're not selling anything from your site. Don't let this happen to you. Get a trusted SSL certificate from Godaddy.




crooks : 사기꾼

legitimate : 정당한 /합법적인

verified : 검증된

prominently : 눈에 띄게 / 두드러지게







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